Multimedia acquisition, archiving and distribution

The global system proposed by Pansys archives all sorts of data, acquired from various media in multiple formats. Some examples among many others:

  • Any material brought by the patient is archived in his folder: a written prescription is scanned, a film is scanned and digitized, a DICOM-CD is imported.
  • The charts of ECG, Holter, pressure monitoring, spirometry etc, are captured.
  • The S-Video signal of the endoscopy is captured, stored and displayed in AVI, and can be converted into DICOM or DICOM multiframe in a worklist environment .
  • The measurements of valves issued by the cardio-echographe in DICOM SR are captured, stored, displayed, edited, and inserted in a customized report of cardiology.
  • The dermatologist or ophthalmologist finds the patient data on his station, runs the scheduling of his consultation, creates the worklist of an exam, takes pictures in JPG and can convert them into DICOM in a worklist environment.
  • The DICOM pictures of radiology, nuclear medicine etc, are captured, archived and viewed, including with 3D. A multimedia archive must also have all the features of a PACS...

This global documentation has 2 conceptual priorities:

  • the communication: the relevant users access the data by application clients and/or by websolution.
  • the integration with the other systems, specially the HIS or PVS: transfers, queries, notifications, of relevant data.

The multimedia platform can export its data on physical media (paper, film, CD/DVD by direct burning or via a robot).

The management tool of the multimedia platform is completed by a feature of precise auditing, providing the traceability of each handling.